Model House Story

Hello everyone. My name is Hanada, and I am in charge of making drawings.
Today, we have a model house that you can visit and use as a reference and
About the model house that is not a reference
I would like to talk to you about it.

Model houses are largely divided into
The model house built in a housing exhibition hall and
of a model house on an ordinary lot in a residential area.
There are two.

One major difference between the two is that
The housing exhibition hall has model houses from a number of companies.
Whereas it is built
The model house built in a residential area is
A housing company builds only its own house on a street corner.
There is a difference.

Which model house would you prefer to visit?
Do you think it would be helpful?

I’ve been to both of these tours many times,
The model house of the housing exhibition hall is
Relatively speaking, it has a large company in it.

For example, suppose there are three companies, A, B, and C.
Companies A and B have opulent model houses.
Company C said it’s a typical house model.
You still want to visit the model houses of company A and B, don’t you? (¡Ω…)

That’s why every model house in the housing exhibition hall is
The specifications are lavish.
So, if you have a very generous budget or
I already have land and can spend a lot of my budget on a house.
Even though it may be helpful for those who are
For those who are thinking of building a normal house.
It may not be very realistic.

On the other hand, model houses built in residential areas are
The size of the lot, the size of the house, the floor plan, the
I want the LDK to be this size. etc.
Be more specific in the future construction of the house.
I think you can imagine.

We currently have a model house in a residential area.
We’ve built several buildings.
Please come and take a look when it is completed.

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