Snow season is in full swing⛄

The other day, a very rough cold wave arrived in the country.
Winter has arrived in earnest in Sapporo ☃.
This time of year reminds me of a difficult experience I had a few years ago when it snowed heavily throughout the season 😣.
In many cases, homebuilders in Sapporo have difficulty finding a parking space because the land is not large enough!
If you have the money💰, you can install “snow melting tanks” or “road heating,” but what is often forgotten are garages, carports, and sheds for storing snow removal equipment. In fact, important aspects of a house layout are hidden in the exterior of the house as well.
RID HOUSE also proposes a parking space that can also be used as a storage space, as shown below.

The most important thing when considering a floor plan is how to imagine what it will be like after you live there and how to make it livable!
That can be achieved at RID HOUSE!
RID HOUSE will propose the creation of a one-of-a-kind home that is right for you!