Sapporo Model House Sale & YUCACO System Custom-built House Consultation

This time, the “Sapporo Model” sale and YUCACO System custom-built housing consultation will be held in Sapporo City!At the sale meeting, なんと!弊社が「月々50,000円分のお支払いを3年間負担」させていただくキャンペーンを実施させていただきます。 ディスプレイしている「家具&家電」も全てをプレゼントいたします!※太陽光も設置済、壁掛け65インチのTVも対象です! We will assist you in finding land in your desired area and environment, as well as in planning the floor plan you require. RIDHOUSE designs your own special space with its highly precise conventional construction method and total coordination design that no...

events, No Category

Whole-house air conditioning YUCACO system Explanatory video released!

What is the YUCACO system that LID has been marketing lately, after all? I think most of you are probably wondering, “What is the YUCACO system after all? This time, we have made an easy-to-understand explanatory video for you to watch! How did you like what you saw? Once you actually experience it, you will not want to go out, especially during the summer months!...


YUCACO System Sapporo Model House OPEN!

Finally, tomorrow, June 29, the first YUCACO System Sapporo model house will open in Sapporo! YUCACO system for whole-house air conditioning in Asahikawa, which received a great response In order to realize [monthly heating and cooling costs of 10,000 yen per month with a single air conditioner], this system can only be used in homes with insulation that exceeds the ultra-high performance ZEH, with a...

events, lifestyle

Whole house air conditioning YUCACO system!

Hello everyone! Utility costs are going up and up today, but are you still saving money on your utility bills? Ridghouse will be launching a series of new houses equipped with the “YUCACO System,” a whole-house air-conditioning system! The YUCACO system is a system in which a single air conditioner keeps the entire house cool in summer and warm in winter! The reason why it...

events, lifestyle