Whole-house air conditioning YUCACO system Explanatory video released!

What is the YUCACO system that LID has been marketing lately, after all? I think most of you are probably wondering, “What is the YUCACO system after all? This time, we have made an easy-to-understand explanatory video for you to watch! How did you like what you saw? Once you actually experience it, you will not want to go out, especially during the summer months!...

lifestyle, No Category

Let’s get through the hot summer,!

Hello everyone! Today, it finally begins ✨✨. YOSAKOI Soran Festival And there are plenty of summer events awaiting us next month, including a fireworks display: !!!! At last, summer is coming! It’s time to feel it! But speaking of summer, it’s hot !!!! Hot !!!!!!! Temperatures are rising, but so are the electricity bills.Can I turn on the air conditioner, and what can I do...

lifestyle, No Category

Exterior Design Ideas and Tips

The exterior is an important element that determines the first impression of the house.A beautiful exterior design enhances the overall feel and functionality of the house.In this issue, we present some ideas and practical tips for exterior design. Exterior Design Basics It is important to plan well before beginning the exterior design process.Consider a design that matches the style of the house and its surroundings.The...

exterior, lifestyle, No Category

How to choose a sofa

Hello! When your house is finished, you will want to change the furniture ☺. The sofa is a very important and indispensable item among them. Many people in Japan have compact floor plans, and many worry that a large sofa will make them feel oppressed. In fact, just by paying attention to the color, design, and size of the sofa, you can make the room...

interior, lifestyle, No Category

🌀Do you feel a draft? 🌀

  Hello everyone. This year will start next weekend in no time! Golden Week will start from next weekend!   So, if you haven’t decided where to go yet I’m sure you have a destination in mind! Oh, yeah, You there! We invite you to visit the RID HOUSE model house and High performance High performance High performance and high airtightness and dramatically lower heating...

lifestyle, No Category

Things to do before you move in!

Hello!The snow has melted, and I guess it is time for the entrance ceremony, how is everyone doing? Today, I hope to share with you four things to do before you move in! The first is cleaning! We recommend that you clean the room once before you move in, whether you are moving into a new building or renting.Attach a dry sheet to a quick...

interior, lifestyle, No Category